弊社Corporate Auditorのクリストファー スチュードベーカー​弁護士が出版しました







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Publication by Christopher Studebaker, Esq., Our Corporate Auditor

Our Corporate Auditor, Mr. Studebaker, Esq., has co-authored the publication “Legal Aspects of Asset Management: Q&A for Practitioners.” Please take a look.

Introduction: “Legal Aspects of Asset Management: Q&A for Practitioners” A must-have for professionals in the financial industry, “Legal Aspects of Asset Management: Q&A for Practitioners” has finally been published. This book is authored by someone with extensive experience, including working in financial regulatory authorities, as an in-house counsel for asset management companies, and as a representative in securities-related litigation. Drawing from his experience, the book elucidates asset management business and regulatory practices in a manner that practitioners can understand intuitively, rather than merely theoretically.

Covering a wide range of topics such as financial instruments and exchange law, investment trust and investment corporation law, anti-money laundering laws and foreign laws, and securities litigation, this book adopts a Q&A format in each chapter, explaining legal regulations and practical concerns from basics to applications clearly. Additionally, through specific sections and questions, it aims to bridge the gap in the “tacit knowledge” encountered by practitioners.

This book is undoubtedly a valuable resource for professionals in the asset management industry, legal practitioners, students, and anyone interested in related fields. Today, the book introduced on our website is a treasure trove of knowledge and insights for all those at the forefront of the industry.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.


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